Muay Thai Village


Warrior Origins

Discipline, Respect, Effort,
Commitment & Consistency

Muay Thai Village

Warriors in the world of today are very different from the warriors of yesterday! By Yesterday we mean the olden bronze ages or any age that dates to thousands of years back. Beliefs and practices back then were different and all that knowledge traveled the road of time on the carriage of human minds. Some complex and pure knowledge may have been lost or diluted to fill in the gaps. However the essence of a warrior remains pure and strong always. Discipline, Respect, Effort, Commitment & Consistency are key values to being a warrior.

Discipline ,Respect, Effort, Commitment & Consistency

As you apply each of these values your path gets more intense and defined. Your being and Character are chiseled to reflect perfection and fortitude.

The road of a warrior is hard yet fulfilling as you conquer yourself every step of the way. Muay Thai is one of the roads that leads you to becoming a warrior. Able to defeat any threat and foe starting from within yourself to the world that you view and perceive with your five senses .

Where ever you are in life it always helps to prioritize certain values and your way of living. Other than your beliefs, mantras and positive affirmations there is the actual application of your values and views. Muay thai puts the mind, body and spirit on the road of the warrior, upholding Discipline ,Respect, Effort, Commitment & Consistency. Watch as you apply theses values in your life, your character and your body.

In Muay thai Village we endeavor to heal you through yourself as you walk the road of a warrior

Sawadika & Sawadikap
Nuk Soo

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